Monday, October 17, 2016

Interview with Aaron Thomas

A PR is not a easy job. A PR stands for Public Relations, which means to protect, enhance or build their reputations through the media. I decided to take this career path because I love fixing things that are broken or could build to be something way bigger than it already is. To get more information for this job, I went to my mentor, Aaron "Magic" Thomas, that works at our campus radio station, WAUG. Thomas was in his office full of old tapes of old events that has happened on campus the past years. Along with a couch and a blanket, just in case he gets tired. "Magic" was working on a project for the a WAUG poster.

Thomas first makes a joke saying, "Find where the money is" but soon after, corrects himself and says, "Networking is key and knowing your connections." Thomas then takes out his phone and shows me one of the females that went to school here and is now a promoter in Miami. "Her name is Vena and she'll be doing some hosting for our homecoming this week".
Magic also says "drive" is very important and you have to be "creative" to get through the door. "When people tells you no, figure out a way to make that a yes. There is always a way", stating Thomas after grabbing on his mouse to finish up some projects on his computer. By the time the end of the interview was over, Thomas says "you really just need to know how to talk to people and be a people person".

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